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A Manual of the Diseases of the Eye

In the following pages the authors have endeavoured to present a concise, practical, and systematic Manual of the Diseases of the Eye, intended for the student and the general practitioner of medicine. An attempt has been made to give the fundamental facts of ophthalmology, and to cover all that is essential in this branch of medicine, always keeping in mind that the book has been written for students and general practitioners. Space, therefore, has been allotted as the necessities of such readers require, estimated by an extended experience in teaching. Thus, rare conditions have merely been mentioned; uncommon affections, of interest chiefly to the specialist, have been dismissed with a few lines ; and common diseases, which the general practitioner is most frequently called upon to treat, have been described with comparative fulness.

The illustrations, excepting those showing instruments, are original, and have been inserted wherever it seemed that they would be of value in elucidating the text. Those in colours represent the most common changes in the fundus, a knowledge of which is desirable in the treatment of general diseases, as well as in ophthalmic practice. These plates form a fairly complete ophthalmoscopic atlas.

Since the year 1900 four editions of May's ' Manual of Diseases of the Eye' have been published. It is hoped that the present volume may prove equally popular.