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Collections 2 & 2.1

Collections 2.0 is a relative big update. You can now switch between a topbar and a sidebar.
The sidebar view is close to the Zenpage theme.

Download available at Github.

Collections' Homepage Screenshot with sidebar

Collections' Homepage Screenshot with options

New & updates

  • You can active a Sidebar in theme options
  • Inter font updated to v.4 and imported now as a variable font
  • There is a blog/journal view if you use multiple_layouts plugin and select album_diary template.
  • Macy.js for the masonry layout has been replaced by shuffle.js. Suffle seems to be more reactive.


  • Centered footer (obvious on smartphones)
  • Not showing an empty « maps » section if no coordinates are found (using the new has() css property)
  • Prevent zooming on smartphone when using the search field (font-size at 16px).
  • Duplicate of pagination on the news archive have been fixed.
  • Fixed the call of printLanguageSelector in footer (no more empty <li></li>)

2.1 fixes

  • Fixed --accent-color in dark mode.
  • Refined seach input focus
  • Heading H1 fixes
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